Introducing the course
How much does it cost?
It's priced on a sliding scale to make sure it's affordable for as many people as possible. Feel free to pick the lowest price if you need to, no proof of income is necessary. Likewise, if you can afford it, choosing the higher price allows us to keep offering discounts to the people that need it.
full course
$ low-unwaged
full course
$$ standard
full course
$$$ supported
Managing EDS flare-ups
From joint pain to chronic fatigue, EDS flare-ups can appear at any time and make getting on with life difficult. Doctors can often help with the practical side of things but people rarely talk about the emotional challenge of having your life tipped sideways regularly. This is why we’ve created the Mindfulness for Flare-ups course.
Building emotional resilience
Building emotional resilience against flare-ups can help make it easier to get on with enjoying life when the next flare-up comes around. You’ll delve into lessons that teach effective approaches to managing emotions, from addressing intrusive symptoms to conquering overwhelming feelings.
Complementing these lessons, you will learn mindfulness meditation as a tool to build resilience. Mindfulness meditation has been shown to build emotional resilience by increasing activity in the areas of the brain responsible for emotional self-regulation.
Made by people who experience flare-ups
The masterclass was written and recorded by Georgia Bondy (sometimes known as George Lou Bon). Georgia lives with flare-ups caused by Multiple Sclerosis and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. The masterclass has been improved by user testers who also experience a range of different flare-ups. Georgia is also a qualified meditation instructor with an MSci in Brain, Behaviour & Cognition (and chemistry).
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Course contents
- The course teaches approaches to different emotional challenges across 7 lessons that are roughly 10 minutes long.
- Each lesson contains a mindfulness meditation.
- You can do the exercises at any time, any your own pace.
- With lifetime access, you can repeat the exercises as many times as you’d like.
What's included?