Our Vision
At Well Adapt we envision a world where every disabled or chronically-ill person has the opportunity to build a fulfilling life. We strive to empower people by providing them with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to curate a life they truly love. We are firm believers in the fact that equal access to happiness should be within every disabled person’s reach. We are dedicated to creating a society where disabled and chronically ill people can thrive on their own terms.

Our Mission​
Our mission is to revolutionise the chronic illness healthcare system. The current healthcare system is not designed for chronic illnesses but rather for acute conditions. Well Adapts aim is to remodel the approach, centring and giving platforms to chronically ill people as the experts in their own experiences alongside healthcare professionals.
Our mission is to facilitate the co-creation of health and care strategies that empower patients to self manage their conditions with the right support, skills and coaching.
Our Goals​
1. Deliver a coaching system that supports chronically ill people in managing their health independently, with a focus on chronic fatigue as the first area of impact.
2. Establish strong partnerships with allied health professionals and chronically ill communities to create a collaborative care model that can work both within and outside current healthcare systems.
3. Engage policymakers and healthcare professionals to start integrating this new care model into existing health systems over the next five years, beginning in the UK.
4. Leverage online learning and digital tools to keep costs low while delivering high-quality support and resources for self-management.
5. Produce content that is maximally accessible to the widest range of people we can. We are committed to keeping our website up to date with the highest web accessibility standards.
Meet our Founder
Our Founding story​
Our founder, Georgia Bondy, began Well Adapt after personally experiencing the lack of resources for physical exercise and mental health that worked for them as a disabled person.
‘For years before and after I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, I had worsening physical and mental health that contributed to each other in horrible cycles. I was offered NHS talking therapies but with poor mobility and crushing fatigue, I regularly failed to attend my appointments. Doctors told me that physical exercise would help but couldn’t tell me how to do it without causing debilitating flare-ups.
Eventually, I found mindfulness meditation that I could do at home whenever I was feeling up to it. The skills I learned were invaluable but nevertheless, it was imperfect. Mindfulness apps asked things of me that my body couldn’t do and it made me feel terribly alone. Exercise was also still out of reach; on a memorable Sunday, a single pilates class left me bed bound for a week.
A few year after that disastrous pilates class, I was creating my own mindfulness meditation practice and my improved mental health gave me the confidence to attend a pole class with an instructor that also had hypermobile joints. She taught me to exercise safely and I have rarely been more grateful to a human being. I have been pole dancing ever since!
These experiences made me realised that disabled people like myself have been problem solving their way to better physical and mental wellbeing as long as disability has existed. So much wellbeing knowledge exists in the disabled community and I want to share it with as many people as I can. That is what Well Adapt is all about.’